Title: Survival
Author: HonorH
Genre: (crossover with Doctor Who- what else?)
Length: Short
Rating: Strong T (PG-15)
Pairing: Claude/Rose (Doctor/Rose)
Spoilers: mild for season finales of both shows
Summary: We all do what we have to to survive.
Run into her he did, quite literally. In the street, your typical meet-cute. He gave her an annoyed look; her jaw dropped, eyes growing wide. It was like she recognized him, and it was enough to spook him into making a mistake. As soon as he’d gotten around her, he went invisible. She’d shaken off her immobility more quickly than he’d been prepared for, though, and when she whirled around, her hand just grazed him.
That mightn’t have been such a problem except for the fact that Rose worked for Torchwood. A day later, he entered his flat to find her already there.