
Title: Survival
Author: HonorH
Genre: (crossover with Doctor Who- what else?)
Length: Short
Rating: Strong T (PG-15)
Pairing: Claude/Rose (Doctor/Rose)
Spoilers: mild for season finales of both shows
Summary: We all do what we have to to survive.

Run into her he did, quite literally. In the street, your typical meet-cute. He gave her an annoyed look; her jaw dropped, eyes growing wide. It was like she recognized him, and it was enough to spook him into making a mistake. As soon as he’d gotten around her, he went invisible. She’d shaken off her immobility more quickly than he’d been prepared for, though, and when she whirled around, her hand just grazed him.

That mightn’t have been such a problem except for the fact that Rose worked for Torchwood. A day later, he entered his flat to find her already there.

Some Heroes (mostly Claude-centric, go figure)

Fandom: Heroes (NBC)

Title: Ghost
Author: Misato
Genre: Angst
Length: Short
Spoilers: Through "Company Man"
Summary: What happened with Claude on the bridge was necessary. Now Bennet just wants the sleepless nights to stop.
Quote: Bennet has to pull over and throw up about twenty miles from the bridge. He ruins the tie Sandra gave him for his birthday and lies to himself that he's just gagging on the smell of gunpowder.

Title: On a Carousel
Author: sparrowlove
Genre: Angst
Spoilers: mid-season 1
Summary: Peter reflects on his life and his destiny.

“Claude, please. I

(I’m going to die. I don’t want to die. Please, Claude. Damnit, help me control this)

Really need your help.”

“Tell you what: Go outside. Walk around. Don’t get yourself mugged. Come back in twenty minu
tes. If you still feel like you need to start learning tonight after that, wake me up again.”

Title: Karma Receivable
Author: Alien Explosion
Length: Short
Summary: 1996. Claude Rains makes a bet with Mr. Bennet. But a certain teenage watchmaker ruins the odds.

“I believe that’s your way of saying, ‘I could’ve done a much better job even though I’m not a bloody invisible man.’”

“I never said that.”

“It’s not a word-for-word translation, I don’t have the Pocket Dictionary of Bennet on me. Look, if you’re getting bored with the tactics, why don’t you run em yourself? Bag the bloody housewife all by your lonesome. Go on then.”

Title: Like a Thief in the Night
Author: Misato
Length: Short
Summary: DL never told Nikki, but he knew about his powers long before he wound up in prison.
Quote: "If you're going to shoot me, you're going to shoot me. I can't do anything about that." DL could hear his heart pounding, there was so much adrenaline pumping through his veins. "You can turn invisible."

Title: Largo
Author: leaffymomo
Genre: Adventure
Length: Medium
Summary: "You're hiding one of them." Not just one, but two. The reason that Claude was removed from Primatech. [contains swearing]
Quote: He's rather antsy. He fiddles his fingers, taps his foot. He flicks the knob that rolls down the window. He drums his nails on the armrest. Bennet, next to him, glances at him the way fathers sometimes glance at their children when they want them to stop being such an annoyance. Claude glances back and puts his hands in his lap. Bennet chuckles.

Title: Everyone's Encore
Author: Alien Explosion
Genre: Adventure (AU)
Length: Long
Spoilers: Season 1
Summary: [Post S1, Ensemble] Four months later. Despite what everyone thinks, Nathan isn’t dead. And neither is the Company.

“We’ll look for him together, Hiro,” Peter said determinedly, putting a hand on Hiro's shoulder. “We’ll find Nathan, don’t worry.”

“Screw Nathan,” came a voice from behind Peter. Hiro saw him twist around, and suddenly, he vanished, like a ghost.

Title: Believe
Genre: Angst/ H/C
Length: Short
Spoilers: "Unexpected"
Peter mourns the loss of someone important to him, but finds hope in someone he didn't think he would.
Quote: All is still and silent behind door number 10. For once, the sounds of the traffic haven’t found their way inside. No voices are carried down the hall. The television’s static. It’s lonely…but it’s the only place he’s got…he’s got no one to turn to.

The few YW fanfics I've read

Fandom: Young Wizards

Title: What You'll Lose
Author: Meredith T. Taski
Genre: Angst/ (introspection)
Length: Short
Spoilers: So You Want to be a Wizard
Summary: You don't know it now, but all your lies are going to fall apart. Don't fear losing, Joanne...
Quote: "It's not going to work anymore," she said, and the witch from hell was right; because she said "Boo!" and you ran with everyone else.

Title: Arbitration
Author: Meredith T. Tasaki
Genre: Humour/General
Length: Medium
Summary: When a wizardry goes somehow wrong, two alien wizards and a confused civilian make their way to Tom and Carl's backyard. Arguing all the way.
Quote: Meg continued to stare at them, mind spinning, quietly cataloging the impossible things about this situation. They were pink, for one thing. With wild blondeish afros. And somehow subtly stockier than normal, built somehow differently. And had appeared out of nowhere. And weren't speaking English, but somehow she understood them anyway.

Title: On the Care and Keeping of Shoulder Angels -Or: A Wizard Under Annoyingly Close Watch Due to the Boredom of a Certain Power.
Author: semiramis
Genre: Humour/ (crack!fic)
Length: Long
Summary: Basically what happens when Archangel Raphael won't lend the Lone Power his pen.
Quote: But at any rate, what had happened was this:
Nita had, after successfully flushing the Lone Power down the toilet without so much as a Fairest-and-Fallen-greeting-and-defiance, dressed and stormed into her room (but not before being waylaid by a concerned Dairine en route) only to find said Fairest sitting rather sulkily on her dresser. Dripping. With a water beetle clinging to Its hair.