Title: It'll Be Alright
Author: sarah531
Characters: Trisha Delaney, Mickey Smith, Shireen
Length: short
Spoilers: vaguely for "Aliens of London"/"World War Three"
Summary: For the past year, Trisha Delaney had noticed the signs.
On the Christmas Day that Rose had missed, Trisha's mother had been in a funny mood. "You should go to Jackie Tyler's place," she said. "You should bring her some of our cake...tell her it'll be alright..."
"It won't be alright for her," Trisha said, very quietly.
"None of that. She's probably sittin' up there all on her own. Can you imagine it? You should go."
Trisha didn't like meeting people. Especially if they were likely to be on their own and crying. "I don't know her. And she probably doesn't like me."
"Shut up and go, Trisha."
But she refused politely over and over again, and in the end nobody went.